Thursday, August 28, 2008

What am i doing?

Starting to blog today.... so late... but finally i am. But why i never used such an amazing feature before? was it because i did not have time... no, was it because i can not write... probably yes... or is it because i was afraid i didnt want to speak out, come out with my views... dont think so. I think its probably i never had any views... but how is it possible for some one to not have any point of view... Media today gives you so many controversies, so many issues to give your views... any one is saying anything about any thing that is happening, that has happened or even that can happen. but why I dont have any point of view. Is it because i dont care for things happening around and I am happy inside my own world, just enjoying (or trying to enjoy) things coming my way... or is it that I am so low in confidence that I am scared people will not like my views, or my views are not good enough. But point of view is a point of view, it is not good or bad, it is just a point of view.

Still whatever it was, lack of confidence or whatever... this is my first attempt to come out, speak out and write. I dont know what I am going to write as I said i dont have any point of view. Let me see what I can come out with.

let me start thinking, let me start reading, let me start giving my point of views on everything for the heck of it... may be that is how i will learn to actively contribute (bull shit)... still let me try this thing out.. looks funny and stupid... lemme see what i can do with it.